Tuesday 7 April 2009

Botanical Gardens Bath

Bath Botanical Gardens are awash with loveliness at the moment. It's hard to take a duff photo with so much blossom! This is a shot of my favourite Magnolia, there are about six of them in this part of the gardens together with amazing cherry blossom. Squirrels also abound and are bold enough to approach humans to beg for food! Photos of them another time. We have always loved going to these gardens as they are so tranquil and beautiful, not far from the city centre, I have seen badgers in there as well as foxes and the ubiquitous squirrel!


  1. Aren't they gorgeous? I saw one yesterday, a lilac one in a garden believe it or not. Didn't have my camera of course...

  2. Beautiful flowers, not yet in bloom in east of France ...

  3. Your Magnolia's differ from ours.

  4. They look great! Beautiful romantic photo!

  5. This bud and furry jacket stage is the most lovely of the magnolia. This must be an awesome sight with six trees close together. I am intruiged by the lichen on the branches: very ancient and very moist, I gather.

  6. Really nice photo. Such a pretty time of year.

  7. Nature can for shure bring us so much peace.
    Great shot!
