Wednesday, 27 May 2009

New Bath?

These images show the new shopping area and bus station being constructed in Bath. The new shopping district is in keeping with Bath's architecture although the buildings lack the classic Georgian detail. Controversially all the Bath Stone being used to build them was imported from Italy!

The bus station on the other hand is quite a radical departure for Bath...


  1. I had a bit of surprise when I saw the second image. Certainly very modern for Bath

  2. Funky bus station! I quite like it.

  3. Most interesting. Seems a contradiction. Old and new architecture doesn't always mix well...have to wait and see, I'd guess.

    Why Italy? Sounds like the planners may have been stoned!

  4. the choice of B&W is relevant , good photo !

  5. Old and new CAN blend together quite well, in this case I think it does!
